Hedgehog post release monitoring - We need your help!
Encouraging hedgehogs in your garden
We would like to ask for your help with a new initiative at Wildlives. As you will already be aware the centre looks after many hedgehogs every year, the vast majority of which are released back into the wild. We would now like to try and monitor how successful the survival rates are and how far the hedgehogs are travelling after release. From now on any hedgehog that is released from the centre will have up to three coloured, numbered beads placed twice on their spines. If you see one of these hedgehogs (alive or dead) please could you contact the centre with the colour and number and where you have seen it. This will help us to build a picture of movement patterns and survival rates.
Hedgehogs are now coming out of hibernation after a bad winter and due to the recent dry weather are waking up to ground that is rock hard and dry which means that there is very little food for them. Please keep an eye out for any sick looking hedgehogs and bring them in if you are concerned. You can also help by leaving out some water and non fish cat food. Remember, no animals should be given milk.
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